Reclaiming My Health & Well-being
Hi there! If you're reading this, you're probably at some point in your healing journey where you'd be open and curious to explore the possibilities of change.
I'm Eva Marie, a Health and Wellness Coach and my mission is to help you actualize your dream life.
First and foremost, I want you to know that you're not alone in the struggle. Before becoming a Health Coach, I went through my fair share of physical and mental battles. I know what it's like to spend days feeling extremely tired, frustrated, and in a constant state of stress. Living with chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, gut infection, hormonal imbalances, depression, and many others made it increasingly difficult to get through life, work, and family responsibilities for many years. The worst part was that I felt the simple joys of life slipping away.
After years of feeling defeated both physically and emotionally, in tangent with "normal" lab test results, I was eventually diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Hypothyroidism. My prescription cocktail included a thyroid medication, a handful of inhalers for asthma and severe allergies, and a referral to a psychiatrist to boot. My arsenal was stacked with all the conventional treatments one could think of, yet I still felt awful. I knew deep within that this life of meds, flare-ups, and mediocre levels of happiness was not my destiny. So I became determined to find answers on my own.
I began consuming information from health experts: from books to podcasts and the like––all of which led me to something called Functional Medicine, a systems biology-based approach that addresses an illness beyond its symptoms and directly its root cause. A few years later, after applying positive lifestyle changes, I find myself healthier and happier than ever. In hindsight, I now know that I could have prevented or reversed these inconveniences if I had stayed in tune with what my body and mind needed. I've learned so much along my journey back to health and would like to share all of this valuable information with others so they, too, may overcome their suffering and live life to the fullest.

Begin Your Journey to Holistic Wellness
You are powerful beyond measure.
You may not know it yet, but we all carry the wisdom of knowing how to heal ourselves. As your coach, I will facilitate conversations to explore your belief systems, values, and strengths that expand your self-awareness and motivation to achieve your goals. Together, we will create positive changes that work for you.
Book a free consultation and begin your journey to living better.
Connect with me on social media and by email. I share my adventures around health and life hacks, self-care routines, productivity techniques, spirituality expansions, fun and cutting-edge technology, and other shenanigans that pique my curiosity-all may be helpful for you too.
Take your life from where you are now, to where you envision it.